How To Groom and Remove Male Chest Hair
• Trimming
Some men do not want to completely remove the hairs and only just trim them to look overall less hairy, trimming can be done with simple scissors and comb. There are automated electric trimmers same which are used for beard trimming can be used for trimming the chest hairs.
Advantage: Trimming keeps the hairs from getting stuck in the clothes and looks overall less hairs.
Disadvantage: It has to be repeated every week or 10 days depending upon the speed of growth of the hairs.
• Shaving
Men with smooth bodies or with muscular chest want it completely shaved to show the muscles bare chested. Shaving is done with the routine shaving kit used for shaving beard.
• Hair Removal Cream
also known as chemical depilation, a hair removal cream breaks down the hair so you can wipe it off. The common active ingredients are calcium thioglycolate or potassium thioglycolate, which breaks down the disulfide bonds in keratin and weakens the hair so that it is easily scraped off where it emerges from the hair follicle.
The reaction is : 2 HSCH2CO2H (thioglycolic acid) + R-S-S-R (cystine) → HO2CCH2-S-S-CH2CO2H (dithiodiglycolic acid) + 2 RSH (cysteine).
The hair removal cream's, break down reaction is affected by the calcium hydroxide or the potassium hydroxide (both alkali). The resulting combinations of calcium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide and thioglycolic acid are calcium thioglycolate(CaTG) or potassium thioglycolate (KTG), respectively. The calcium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide are present in excess to enable the thioglycolic acid to react with the cystine present joining chains in hair protein. As the epidermis is also rich in keratin, the skin may become irritated and sensitive if the preparation is left on for too long.
Advantage : Fairly quick, easy and no razor needed.
Disadvantage : Be careful. Depilatories are very strong can give you a chemical burn or irritation, especially if you have an allergic reaction or sensitive skin, specially if the cream is left on the skin for too long. Also, it has been seen in some cases that repeated use of the hair removal cream causes darkening of the skin.
• Waxing
It's done as same technique as waxing for legs and arms. Only thing is that it is bit painful as the men's chest hair are strong and thick. Also, in India, waxing considered as womanly and men usually avoid waxing.
Advantage : After the waxing, you can be hair and worry free for three to six weeks.
Disadvantage : There is always the possibility of burns due to hot wax specially in sensitive skin and ingrown hair.
• Laser Hair Reduction
While you're not 100% guaranteed as the lasers can get you reduction in the hair growth on the chest but complete and permanent removal by lasers is not possible. Also, since the men in India have dusky or darker complexion, the risk of laser burns is always present.
Advantage : FDA approved for permanent hair reduction, and large areas can be treated at once.
Disadvantage : With most lasers, you need to have dark hair and lighter skin for safety reasons and to achieve results. Laser hair removal can be expensive because multiple sessions are needed. Risks include scarring, blisters, burns, pigmentation and pain. The reduction may not leave your entire chest completely hairless, patches of hair could be left.
• Electrolysis
The best track record of any hair removal method, so it's for those really serious about permanently having a smooth chest. It is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal.