Hair growth is the result of heredity and hormone levels. Also, some drugs, temporary methods of hair removal, and illnesses can stimulate hair growth.
Throughout women's lives, hormones fluctuate and can cause hair to grow unexpectedly.
Hormonal changes and conditions account for many problems besides unwanted hair. The cause can be related to puberty, menopause, pregnancy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), an underlying medical condition, your genetic makeup and even some medications.
Chin hair on women is often exacerbated by tweezing and waxing. The repeated irritation from yanking hairs out can result in a larger diameter hair growing from the follicle or ingrown hairs from the breaking off of hairs in the follicle. When women tweeze hairs from their chin and have acne on their chin, but not on the rest of their face, they should find relief from their acne with electrolysis treatments.
Once they have stopped tweezing hairs from the chin and allow the electrologist to properly treat the hair, skin will clear.
Hormonally caused facial hair on women usually grows in a pattern, starting with the chin and corners of the upper lip.
For the unwanted hairs, the solution is electrolysis
Many factors influence hair growth, so you will need to return for several electrolysis visits. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person.
But the unwanted hair will be gone forever once the series of treatments is complete.
Each treatment can lasts between one hour to 3 hours depending upon the density or number of hairs and the area to be treated
Electrolysis is the only option for permanent hair removal, though laser hair reduction does give some relief for hair growth temporarily but rebound hair growth is known to occur with lasers which would be even more dense then the original hair growth. Laser hair reduction does not work well with Indian skin as the Indian skin is brown in color and it risks damage when the lasers.
Myths About Electrolysis
Myth: Electrolysis is very painful. - we are doing the hair removal by galvanic technique and use local anaesthesics before hair removal, thus there is no pain felt during the procedure.
Myth: Temporary methods of hair removal can be better. Chemical depilatories (liquids or creams) are often used to remove body hair. These products contain irritating chemicals and can be time-consuming and messy. Likewise, bleaches contain harsh chemicals and do little to disguise dark hair. They may also discolor skin. Waxing is another temporary method of hair removal and is usually done in salons. A hot wax is applied to the skin and removed once it has dried over the hair. The hair is stripped off when the wax is removed. Waxing can be painful and costly.